August 09, 2006


I'm now having brown spotting and it's freaking me the fuck out-it started out as pink but now is brown. Not much spotting, but spotting.

I even showed Aidan, calling him into the bathroom: Can you look at this? Is this brown? It's brown. It's brown. I know it's brown. Look, isn't it brown? It's not from my butt, don't freak out.

The brown sighting was confirmed.

I have home pregnancy tests but am resolute not to use them.

The nausea disappeared today into a plane of indigestion, but then came on again with a vengeance about 20 minutes ago, to the point where I actually had to sit by an empty bucket because I did indeed feel it coming on (I would've held my head over a toilet, but actually that very action alone makes me throw up. Plus I wanted to reserve toilet use for constant toilet paper checking. And a good episode of The Simpsons was on, so obviously I had to hug the bucket, entertainment over convenience, surely.) I'm also absolutely exhausted and get light-headed easily, not something I usually get unless hangovers involved (they're not! No alcohol for me, honest!)

All of this could be due to progesterone.

According to my calendar, my period would have been due today, but for one reason (pregnant) or another (too many hormones in the body) it never came.

I have now entered obsessive wiping mode.

I am 7dp3dt, and 7 more days to go.

Posted by Vanessa at August 9, 2006 06:06 PM | TrackBack

And I am too Vanessa. x

Posted by: Meg at August 10, 2006 08:58 AM

Statia is right. Quit obsessing. It will not make it any better or any worse.

Long deep breaths, big hugs, and maybe some relaxing massage from a darling boy???

And many many hugs from me too! I love you, sweetie!

Posted by: caltechgirl at August 9, 2006 10:18 PM

Ugh...I heard someone call it OBC - Obsessive Panty Checking. My DH wouldn't go anywhere near my panties (well, not in those circumstances) so I'm glad your DH confirms brown. Brown is ok right?

Hang in's so tough I know but you just gotta. You gotta!

Posted by: Pixxiee at August 9, 2006 09:28 PM

Obsessive wiping mode...yeah, good luck ever dropping that habit. I hope at least if you're going to obsessively wipe, that there is soon no blood.

As others have said, resist the test, because my limited knowledge tells me that you wouldn't know the result to be true - positive or negative. You certainly don't need that mindfuck.

May the next 7 days pass quickly and not yield much blood.

Posted by: MsPrufrock at August 9, 2006 07:56 PM

hang in there honey... I'm trying to make this happen for you by means of telepathic powers. Let me know if it works.


Posted by: suz at August 9, 2006 07:48 PM

Good on your resolve not to use a pee stick. Though it is hard, not knowing either way. Hang in there.

Posted by: Lut C. at August 9, 2006 06:57 PM

Ok. I'm bringing out the German. You need to STOP FREAKING OUT and stop wiping your vag off. I know, believe me, I KNOW, but you're on supplements so you shouldn't get your period. The fat lady will not sing if I have anything to say about it, because I really fucking hate the fat lady. HATE.

Bring back your Zen, Vanessa, bring it back. "Whatever happens happens and there's nothing I can do to change anything. ooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm." Deep cleansing breaths and all of that shit. And I love you.

Posted by: statia at August 9, 2006 06:43 PM

Thinking of you.

Posted by: April at August 9, 2006 06:21 PM