February 26, 2006

The Beginning of the Beginning

Aidan, his two children from his previous marriage, and I leave for a short holiday tomorrow. His kids are already here and, as with their usual visits, I wonder if I can't find a volume control somewhere, as the sound always goes up about a thousand times the normal decibel level when they're here. The Sims2 are raging upstairs, Desperate Housewives is raging downstairs, cats are popping in and out to mind-numbing amounts of catnip sweets, and in general it's chaos.

I think the kids are great.

I'm looking forward to it all.

So I'm going to be off-line for two weeks as we make our way to New Zealand. We stop in quite a few places along the way and are generally working to make it as relaxing as possible. While packing, I had to sling in my usual great quantities of tampons, as halfway through my period should strike, and it's right about the time that I'll be on a remote island and not very interested in foreign tampons entering the hatch, as my beaver? She is sensitive to the changes in products and reqards me with temper tantrums with a yeast infection flavor.

But that's the big thing, this tampon issue.

I winged many boxes of tampons into the suitcase (I don't bleed, I hose down), as well as my super-extra-strength-kick-your-ass-ibuprofen. I have 6 tablets left, which will get me through this period. For my next period, I don't have enough.

But then, I don't know when my next period will be. Because this is the start of it all, the beginning of the beginning. My period this week (and the zits on the chin, the bloating, the upset stomach tell me it's only a matter of days) is the start of my IVF cycle. 21 days from the first day of my period-which happens this week-I start IVF.

It all starts in a little over three weeks, basically. So this period is being heralded, it's actually being looked forward to. This is it. I've finally made it to the beginning of the beginning.

I'll see you in two weeks, at which time, the world should start to look slightly different.

PS-my domain name bought for me by Statia is now up and running, so you can adjust your bookmarks. Welcome to Twistedovaries.com :)

Posted by Vanessa at February 26, 2006 06:19 PM | TrackBack

Ooo...have a lovely trip. I'm highly envious. Try not to think of what happens upon your return too much. I know, it's like telling an IFer to "just relax". I'll just shut up now.

Posted by: MsPrufrock at February 28, 2006 09:37 PM

Have a fabulous trip to NZ!

Posted by: Ornery at February 28, 2006 06:29 PM

I can only imagine how many things you must be feeling and thinking right now. I hope you thoroughly enjoy your vacation and that the first cycle is a great one.

Posted by: Polichick at February 27, 2006 11:24 PM

You can't leave me!!! I'm so going to hang onto your legs so you have to drag me kicking and screaming.

Posted by: statia at February 27, 2006 10:13 PM

I am so jealous, a trip to New Zealand? Lucky you!
We might be cycling right down to the same day. I have the same chin zits (I though it was just me) and bloating right now. Any day it will start and then 22 days later I start the synarel.
Have a great time and enjoy every minute!

Posted by: Just another Jenny at February 27, 2006 07:36 PM

I guess your comment filter doesn't like what I had to say, so I'll sum it up:

Gladrags.com sells awesome stuff (even for heavy flow of doom) that keeps cramps and infections away. I was prone to infections too.

And have a relaxing time on your trip!

Posted by: Jenny at February 26, 2006 10:15 PM

I get yeast infections, too, if I switch brands. I thought I was the only one with the cranky beaver.

Have a great trip, and congrats on the beginning!

Posted by: donna at February 26, 2006 10:08 PM

Have a lovely trip, dear, and big hugs!

Posted by: caltechgirl at February 26, 2006 08:19 PM