July 27, 2006

Don't Squeeze My Charmin

We went to the clinic yesterday for the final scan before the Chilly Willy tag team get transferred next week. I headed for the bathroom and got my usual fabulous Gucci outfit the clinic supplies (known in regular terminology as "nasty blue paper sheet") and realized my outfit choice that morning was a bad idea-I'd worn a dress. All I could do was whip my knickers off, trundle the sheet around my middle (plastic side in) and tug the dress up.

The RE lubed up the wand with ultrasound gel and then smacked the little condom on top. She went to insert the wand and, smiling at me, said: "This'll feel a little cold."

Then I felt a horrible burning.

The lip of my clitoris got caught on it.

I got wand-burn.

When it finally released with a sound not unlike a cork popping, we all breathed a sigh of relief (except Aidan, who maybe saw his chances at some action last night dwindling.)

The uterus, she needed to be at least 8mm thick. Mine weighed in at 13mm thick, and still has 6 more days of thickening before the transfer. My Charmin, she is nice and thick.

Transfer set now-the embryos get removed from the freezer and popped in the microwave next Tuesday (no not really. They get removed from cryostorage and washed several times with a solution designed to wash off the cryo-liquid). They will have 24 hours to see how they do, and the best two will be transferred next Wednesday.

Next Wednesday is the big day, then.

And strangely, I'm feeling pretty positive.

Posted by Vanessa at July 27, 2006 10:33 AM | TrackBack

I hope your feeling o.k. from the awful clitoris incident. I think your RE needs to be a bit more liberal with the lube!
13mm - are you always overacheiving! Have a great (needle free?) weekend.

Posted by: jenny at July 28, 2006 12:52 PM

your settings never remember me either, but then you know how I feel about your server!

So glad to hear that things are looking so good. What a plush environment you've got there. That means you MUST NOT freak out if you spot a bit. There's pretty much nowhere for those embryos to go so they're probably going to make a bit of a mess. I'm just sayin.

Glad to hear you're feeling good.

Posted by: thalia at July 28, 2006 11:21 AM

Dang, your settings never remember me! What is wrong with my cookie????

That above is the reason why I am rarely commenting but I am thinking of you and your frozens every day. That sounds stalkerish, eh? Great job on that lining though. Seriously, dude.

Posted by: Pamplemousse at July 28, 2006 10:03 AM

I'm positive for you too! It's a really great month!

Posted by: Vegas Jenny at July 28, 2006 04:26 AM

Yowsa, that wand-burn sounds terrible! Betcha took it like a trooper. Glad the Charmin is just perfect. Sounds like a great place for the little ones to nestle in. Keep up the good work!

Posted by: Lassie at July 27, 2006 10:44 PM

Yay! except for the wand burn of course. ouch.

Keeping my fingers crossed, babe. And my toes!

Posted by: caltechgirl at July 27, 2006 04:59 PM