July 20, 2006

Still on the Countdown

Less than two weeks to go until transfer now.

I've upped the Progynova now, to three tablets per day. The side effects are showing a bit-I'm pretty tired, I get to enjoy the Great Joy of Wind, and I have water weight (although that could be due to all the water I'm actually drinking due to the fucking heat wave we're experiencing here). I don't have the side effect that the label specifically warns me against: Warning! Alert your doctor immediately if you develop venous thrombosis!

Then again, my home testing kit for blood clots in the veins is buried somewhere under half-full bottles of Philosophy shower gels, so I've no way to know if I've got it or not.

Last night I dreamt I saw two lines on the stick.

It doesn't mean that it'll happen this time.

But it does mean that for the first time ever, I can at least visualize two lines on a stick, and that's comforting enough.

Posted by Vanessa at July 20, 2006 10:29 AM | TrackBack

I hope so much that you see those 2 lines!!

Posted by: <3 HeavenLeigh at July 23, 2006 06:04 AM

Thinking positive thoughts for you.

Posted by: Polichick at July 22, 2006 06:58 PM

And me too, Vanessa. I think I used opks just so I could visualise the two lines.


Posted by: Meg at July 22, 2006 10:08 AM

I will visualize two lines on the stick for you as well!

Posted by: Vegas Jenny at July 21, 2006 05:23 PM

I like your theory on your dream. It took me a minute to get the "great joy of wind" - damn I am slow sometimes!

Posted by: jenny at July 20, 2006 06:51 PM

well, at least you are making your own breeze ;)

Posted by: caltechgirl at July 20, 2006 06:44 PM

Here's hoping with you :)

Posted by: Jadewolff at July 20, 2006 12:30 PM