Even though we told them (repeatedly) that we didn't want to know, the nurse let it slip.
The woman who received 9 of my eggs? The one who probably waited as eagerly as I did, the one who went through the process with me? The woman who I thought much of in the beginning of the process, but of whom I silently said a prayer and a "Love you, babe, but you're on your own from here on" the day they divided up the Easter Eggs? The donee who fertilized and implanted on the same day I did? The one who probably knows just how much it sucks to be infertile (as opposed to being fertile enough to drop children like Lincolnshire sausages, I guess)?
She didn't get pregnant either.
I'm still pissed that they told you.
They can suck my BIG FAT COCK.
Posted by: statia at June 17, 2006 05:14 AMI hope your title refers to the nurse burning in hell for telling you. Either way, the news would have been hard to hear (which is obviously why you didn't want to know). I am so sorry your nurse is an asshat.
Posted by: jenny at June 16, 2006 07:18 PMReally, there is no excuse for what that nure did. I am so inflamed for you, Vanessa. (And really, there are so many variables there. You CANNOT be jumping to conclusions about it! Ok?)
Posted by: Meg at June 16, 2006 09:46 AMHow frustrating for you guys that they let it slip. And how did they do that? "oh by the way, she isn't pregnant either?" Damn it, I hate it when people are just insensitive, really gets the vein pulsing in my forehead!
Posted by: amanda at June 16, 2006 12:22 AMSorry that you had to go through that, but there's no way to know why it didn't happen for either of you this time, so there's no reason to dwell on it. Focus on the FET and being positive for that.
Just let it go.
Posted by: caltechgirl at June 15, 2006 07:02 PMOh Vanessa I'm so sorry they told you. This is not your fault, there is nothing you could have done. IT does not mean it was your eggs. It's a numbers game, and unfortunately you both came out on the wrong side of those numbers.
Posted by: thalia at June 15, 2006 04:51 PMThat's crappy of them. What is with those nurses there anyway? Maybe a course in sensitivity wouldn't be out of order.
Posted by: donna at June 15, 2006 03:50 PMWow, that sucks for her and it sucks that they told you. You had no control over her chances and it doesn't reflect on your eggs at all. Please don't feel any worse.
Posted by: EJW at June 15, 2006 03:33 PM