That's it, kids. Bookmark the calendars, because we have a plan.
In IVF, you have to start with shutting down the system. The world goes silent as you swing into a form of early menopause, which in my case comes in an injection called buserelin (I could've taken nasal spray but I remember that shit and there's no way in hell I'm going down that route again.) After the Buserelin starts I will have a period, which the egg share councellor ssaid will be very heavy (so I will just stand there and hose things down. My periods are already so heavy it's surreal, I just can't wait to see what this one is like.)
I will have a scan to see if my body has indeed shut down. If it has, I will reduce the Buserelin and see that the donee's body is also ready. Once I get confirmation that we are both at the same level I will whiz at three times warp speed into egg production, which is another injection called Menopur (which I will take daily along with the daily Buserelin).
I have many scans.
Once the scans look good I will do what's called triggering, which is when the eggs get all follick-y goodness and get ready for removal. On the day they get removed I get knocked out with anesthetic (which I have to be honest, I usually love. I admit it. I like the twilight sleep.) and half of the egglets will go into a petrie dish with Aidan's soupy love children, the other half into a petrie dish with the other woman's partner's love children.
Then they are replaced and we are in the dreaded 2ww-the two week wait, a version of hell.
So here it is.
I start Thursday night.
Oh my God.
23/03-Start Buserelin
10/04-Scan. Potentially reduce Buserelin
13/04?-potentially start Menopur (depends on how Donee is doing)
24/04?-scan and potentially trigger with HCG 10,000
26/04? -egg retrieval and start of cyclogest (progesterone suppositories)
28/04?-embryo transfer.
Hang on.
(This is a shot of the sharpie box, the needles for the Buserelin, and the Buserelin itself.)
Posted by Vanessa at March 21, 2006 05:50 PM | TrackBackYour sharpie box cracks me up. You should take that sucker to Heathrow, leave it on one of those lounge area seats, and watch the action fly!
Posted by: Ornery at March 23, 2006 08:06 PMI also can't get DANGER out of my mind now. It's like, holy crap, this stuff is hard-core!
Posted by: Donna at March 23, 2006 01:52 AMYou did the mandatory meds picture, very nice. Destroy by inceineration? Does throwing it in a bonfire in the backyard count? I have never heard of Buserelin, I am doing the synarel nasal spray.
ahhhh, getting start is the best.
well, at least you don't have to lick a frozen metal pole every day :)
Yes, that sounds AWFUL. Bad me.
Posted by: caltechgirl at March 22, 2006 12:01 AM"And there it was. Etiquette had been broken-he had issued the triple dog dare bypassing even the double dog dare!"
Posted by: Vanessa at March 21, 2006 09:40 PMI love how your sharps container has DANGER in big red letters. I dare you to fill it above the line. I TRIPLE DOG DARE YOU!!
Posted by: statia at March 21, 2006 07:16 PMFingers crossed for you!
Posted by: donna at March 21, 2006 07:01 PMWe're sending you love and Baby Dust, darling.
The procedures sound quite grueling. I wish I could be there to hug you.
All my love,
Just Me
I promise I won't hold your crazy hormone-induced moods against you!
Fingers and toes crossed very tight.
Posted by: caltechgirl at March 21, 2006 06:40 PM